If you have been married for a while, it is natural for things to get a little stale. After all, the honeymoon period is well and truly over. This means that real life and all its demands have caught up to you. With time, you and your partner may not have the same spark that you once did.
However, this doesn’t mean that you have to continue on in this way, either. There are a lot of fun and exciting ways that you can put the oomph back in your marriage. If you are eager to learn what these are, start reading:
Get Out of the House
Home is definitely your haven – however, at times, it can get you a little too comfortable. As such, you may not feel like making too much of an effort. For instance, you may not think about dressing up or looking good for your partner.
There is also the fact that the burden on your responsibilities can often weigh rather heavily on you when you are at home. Instead of focusing on each other, your mind is wandering to the next item on your to-do list.
This is why you need to get out of the house. Go ahead and book a motel or hotel room for yourself. Doing this can help you feel rather naughty as well and can set an entirely new different atmosphere for you and your partner.
Open Up Your Marriage
Monogamy is a rather recent construct. So, if you feel like your partner isn’t providing you with everything that you need, you aren’t alone. In fact, it is possible that you may not be meeting some of your partner’s requirements.
If this is the case, go ahead and check out sites like Swipe-Affair.com where other likeminded individuals are looking to have some fun. What’s great about this is that there is something here for everyone. What’s more, everything is super discreet so you and your partner don’t have to worry about any awkward interactions in the future.
Be Spontaneous
Do you find yourself being intimate on only specific days? If so, it is time to switch things up. Without any warning, have your partner call in sick to work – you should do the same. Then, go ahead and plan a romantic adventure or head out to that hotel.
Doing something spontaneous will help you to feel excited about being with your partner. In turn, it can wipe quite a few of the cobwebs away from your marriage. Make sure to do this as often as you dare. You will be surprised at what a positive impact this will have.
Turn to Playtime
If things have become monotonous in the bedroom it is probably because you are taking things too seriously. So, go ahead and lighten up the mood. Tickling, using body paint, or even having a sexy food fight, can be a great way to loosen up and laugh.
Once you are in a better mood, you are bound to become open to all the fun things that you can do together. Not to mention, simply being happier will enhance the experience quite a bit for you. So, this is definitely a technique that you should try. After all, laughter is the best medicine.
The next time that you feel like your marriage is in a rut, go ahead and try out these techniques. Even experimenting with just one may open up new worlds for you and your partner. Who knows where you may end up after that? The opportunities truly are endless.

Hi there. My name is Jamie Love and I just LOVE writing about dating, hooking up and extra marital affairs. Why you might ask? Well why not! If you’re interested in any of the topics above then you will love my writing. I have been writing for Privateloveaffair.com as well as a few other sites for a bit longer than 2 years now, and I am really loving it. Hope you find my content interesting, toodles!