These days, having an affair is as easy as going to the store. There are many ways you can go about this. As it’s so prevalent, you may be asking yourself why people cheat. This is a question which we’ll be taking a stab at. So, read ahead.
You Feel Betrayed
You and your significant other may have been together for a very long time. The two of you share a deep connection because of this. Unfortunately, a range of things could happen to sabotage this bond. Ultimately, your significant other may have done something to hurt your relationship, making you feel betrayed.
One of the major reasons people cheat is because they want to get back at their partner for something they did. When they feel betrayed, they do as little as possible to hide the fact that they are unfaithful. They want their partner to find out and be devastated.
The Sex Isn’t The Best
Although the two of you have been in a relationship for a long time, the sex you have may not be the best. There’s nothing you can do about this as most of the time, this is how relationships end up. The sex isn’t the best, and unfortunately, you are doing little to remedy this.
Everyone has needs which are why your significant other may have been looking outside of your relationship for someone to satisfy theirs. After all, there are sites specifically for affairs, like swipe-affair.com. So, it takes little to no effort.
You can definitely tell if your significant other is having an affair if he shows no interest in having sex with you. As you can imagine, he’s getting his needs met by someone else, so he doesn’t need you anymore.
There’s Not Enough Sex
You and your partner may be in a great relationship. However, maybe your partner can’t satisfy you as much as you like. The only thing you can do is look for other people to do this. Finding people like this is easy, so it’s usually the case.
It’s The Stress
Life can get pretty stressful, there’s no denying it. When push comes to shove and you want to feel better, you could end up in bed with someone else. It’s hot and steamy and would take the edge off you.
Most people who are stressed don’t have affairs. It’s only when they’re under extreme tension and have little-to-no self-control. This is especially the case if they’re drunk as they have limited control of their urges.
Moreover, they may be stuck in a situation where someone is offering them sex. As they’re away from you, it’s only natural that they give in to the temptation. When this happens, they’ll try and do everything to cover up their mistake. What’s more, they’ll feel guilty for what they did, which is why they’ll treat you like a queen.
Low Self Esteem
You may have had a tough time growing up. As your confidence is so damaged, you’d do anything to make yourself feel better. One of the things you might do is cheat on your significant other. People feel like they’re more outgoing and confident by cheating on others, sadly. What’s more, cheating makes them feel like they have the power in the relationship, so it’s an ego-boost. Obviously, this isn’t the case.
Cheating on your partner is something that’s frowned upon. However, depending on the situation you’re in, it’s inevitable, no matter how great your relationship is. Having affairs is especially easy as there are enough dating sites for you to work with.

Hi there. My name is Jamie Love and I just LOVE writing about dating, hooking up and extra marital affairs. Why you might ask? Well why not! If you’re interested in any of the topics above then you will love my writing. I have been writing for Privateloveaffair.com as well as a few other sites for a bit longer than 2 years now, and I am really loving it. Hope you find my content interesting, toodles!