As you are aware, it is often best to date someone who lives in the same country or region as you. It is comforting to have your significant other near you, especially as your relationship progresses. Not to mention, living in the same region can make it easier to develop your relationship.
Of course, local dating isn’t necessarily as simple as you might think. As with any kind of dating, you are going to require some know-how and experience to make it work. If you would like to discover the tricks of the trade, here is what you should know:
Take a Look at Your Lifestyle
Before deciding how to set the location radius on your dating site, consider your own lifestyle for a moment. To begin with, do you have easy access to transportation? If so, then travelling to meet a potential partner will be a lot simpler for you. Thus, you can increase the radius a bit.
It is also a good idea to think about how much free time you have during the week. If you are someone who is quite busy and has a number of commitments, then too much travel will be out of the question. Here, you are going to have to shorten your radius so that you don’t look for someone too far away from home.
If you are looking for a casual relationship, though, don’t look for one that is too close to home. Otherwise, you risk bumping into the other person frequently, which can get rather awkward.
In a City – Narrow Your Scope
As you know, in an urban setting, most people live and work within a much smaller radius. So, if you live in a populated area surrounded by apartment buildings, then your potential matches will naturally be quite high. In this case, you should narrow your scope quite a bit.
This way, you don’t have to worry about being overwhelmed. If you broaden your scope too much, you will be left with hundreds of matches. So, depending on your location, make sure to set the radius a couple of miles away from you. You can adjust this distance depending on the number of matches you end up with.
In a Rural Area – Widen Your Search
If you reside in the suburbs or in a rural area, then people tend to live in houses, and further away from one another. So, even if you have the same number of matches, they will be spaced apart quite a bit. In this case, a narrow scope won’t work, so you will have to widen your search.
In case you can’t find many people a few miles away from you, gradually increase the scope. Don’t go too fast or you will end up dating people who live too far away. By increasing the scope little by little, you will be able to find someone who is still relatively close to you.
Don’t Be Afraid to Spread Your Wings
There is no denying that dating someone who lives close to you does make things a lot easier. However, if you are having trouble making connections with people in your immediate area, don’t be afraid to look a little further. Consider people who live in a different zip code or even a different city.
Sure, you may need to travel to meet up with them, but at least you will have the relationship you want. So, a little inconvenience may be a necessary compromise.
How to Keep It Safe
Now, dating someone in a nearby area can feel like a comforting thing. Nevertheless, it is still important for you to be safe. When chatting with locals, avoid giving away personal information, including where you live, work, or frequent.
Also, until you have the opportunity to really get to know someone, don’t mention any favorite spots or hangouts. Otherwise, you are simply providing people with information about where they can find you. And, for the first date, don’t meet too close to your home or workplace either.
These are some insights into local dating that might be useful to you. This way, you will know exactly how to proceed, regardless of where you live. So, the next time you think about adjusting the distance radius on your website, make sure to keep these points in mind.

Hi there. My name is Jamie Love and I just LOVE writing about dating, hooking up and extra marital affairs. Why you might ask? Well why not! If you’re interested in any of the topics above then you will love my writing. I have been writing for Privateloveaffair.com as well as a few other sites for a bit longer than 2 years now, and I am really loving it. Hope you find my content interesting, toodles!