It is estimated that up to 25 percent of partners are cheating on their spouses or significant others. So, as you can see, this is a rather common occurrence. And, however much people may swear that they will not have an affair, temptation can crop up in unexpected ways.
Now, if you are considering an affair, there is a good chance that you don’t want to leave your current partner. As such, you want to leave them in the dark and ensure that their feelings aren’t hurt in the process. Here is how you can ensure that any affair that you do have is well hidden:
Choose Strangers
Most affairs occur with coworkers or close friends. This is often because these are affairs of convenience. As tempting as it may be, though, you should avoid starting up relationships with these individuals. Since these people have access to your partner, the chances of the situation getting messy or complicated are high.
Instead, stick with strangers whenever possible. A good place to have an affair is when you are out of town on a business trip as there is less of a trail. Or, you can go online and find people who are willing to have a discreet and strictly physical relationship with you.
Make sure to limit how much information that you share with these strangers. For instance, avoid giving your last name or telling them where you work or where you live. Make it clear that you want to make the encounter as anonymous as possible. You will discover that there are many people who feel the same way.
Hide Your Digital Trail
These days, the easiest way to get caught out is for your partner to find messages or pictures on your phone. Due to this, it is up to you to make sure that you get rid of your digital trail completely. First, and foremost, make sure to use a different name for that person. Check that there aren’t any identifying profile images either.
Then, you need to make an effort to delete every interaction with that other person. This includes IM messages, text messages, phone calls, etc. The moment that you have received a message, go to your gallery and delete from every album or folder possible.
For ultimate privacy, you may want to use secure messaging apps that will automatically erase messages and media once you close the app. This way, there will be no incriminating messages for your partner to find.
Always Use Cash
You should never use your credit card to make any purchases. This includes meals, drinks, gifts, hotel or motel rooms. Instead, you should only deal with places that will take cash. If a card or some kind of ID is required, check if your paramour is willing to use theirs instead.
This is especially important if you share a joint account or there is any way that your partner can see your charges. By making sure that nothing is registered, you ensure that there is no paper trail for them to find.
Be Mindful of Clues
It may sound cliché but a surprising number of people are found out because there are lipstick marks on their shirts or because they carry the scent of the perfume of their lovers. A disheveled appearance or scratches or love bites are also indicators that you are having an affair.
This is why it is important to set ground rules with your paramour. Both parties should lay off the makeup, perfume, or cologne. You should also not try to mark each other in any way.
When you are getting redressed, always check your appearance in a mirror. Make certain that everything is as it should be from your hair to your jewelry to how your clothes are worn. Needless to say, wearing a shirt inside out can be a dead giveaway!
Keep the Affair to Yourself
This should seem like the more obvious thing but plenty of people feel the need to talk or boast about their affair. The problem here, though, is that news eventually travels. It doesn’t matter if you are only confiding with your best friend. At some point or another they will unwittingly tell someone else. Then, the chain begins.
The best thing that you could do for yourself is to not share this news with anyone at all. You may also want to tell your paramour the same thing, especially if they know a few details about you. The fewer the people who know about the affair, the better.
Always Use Protection
Again, this should go without saying but people can always get careless. Make sure that you use protection each and every time. This is especially important if you know that the other person has other partners as well.
This can automatically increase the risk of you getting an STD. And, if you pass this onto your partner, the evidence of your indiscretion will be clear. Not to mention, you will be putting your partner’s health and wellbeing into jeopardy and they will certainly not forgive you for that.
Another thing that you want to avoid pregnancy. This can complicate the situation immensely and it isn’t a headache that you want to deal with. To avoid this scenario, make sure that both parties are using some form of birth control. This gives you peace of mind.
Remember when it comes to protection, consistency is key. Due to this, you should always plan well in advance. Although this can seem like a lot of care to take, it is certainly preferable to the alternative. Don’t take any chances in this department at all!
These are all the tactics that you can use to hide an affair. So, if this is something that you are considering, you should take these tips and tricks into consideration. They will help to balance both areas of life and ensure that your partner never finds out about what you are doing.

Hi there. My name is Jamie Love and I just LOVE writing about dating, hooking up and extra marital affairs. Why you might ask? Well why not! If you’re interested in any of the topics above then you will love my writing. I have been writing for Privateloveaffair.com as well as a few other sites for a bit longer than 2 years now, and I am really loving it. Hope you find my content interesting, toodles!