When it comes to open marriages, many people think of them as taboo. However, they can save relationships, as the spark may have died. You can’t just dive in, though. You need to be careful and make note of a couple of points, which we talked about below.
Is It What You Both Want?
Open marriages are great, but they only work if it’s what the two of you want. You’re bringing other people into the relationship, so if one of you has insecurities, they might grow and make you jealous. Not only does this put a strain on your marriage, but you’re making things awkward for the people you’re seeing.
Don’t just talk about it once. Go in-depth about it several times, as this will ensure sure you’ve covered all the bases. Try discussing the matter with friends too – they can bring new perspectives about the situation.
Who Will Be the Other Person?
Now that you know you’re ready for the commitment, decide whether you’ll be seeing just one person or several. Seeing multiple people might be ideal, as you get to try exciting new experiences, and the chances of your partner getting jealous are low as they may not feel like someone is replacing them.
You have to ask yourself, how will you find these people? That’s easy, as there are several sites for affairs. You’ve probably heard of swipe-affair.com before. As there are so many, be careful. Some are filled with fake accounts that could lead you to getting scammed.
Have Some Ground Rules
How far can things go? There’s no way the arrangement will work if you don’t set up some ground rules. This is why we recommend talking about whether the two of you are comfortable with it or not for a while.
Speaking of rules, make sure that you’re using protection. Exposing yourself to many people makes sexually transmitted diseases a very real issue.
Be Careful with Who You Tell
You can tell your close friends or family about what’s going to take place. As mentioned, they can bring in some important perspectives. But choose these confidantes carefully. An open marriage could be what’s best for your relationship – the two of you are in love but don’t satisfy each other like you used to.
Sometimes, the person you open up to may be too conservative and not see it as a good idea. Others might be envious, discouraging you for personal reasons.
It Will Feel Weird
At first, things could feel weird. The two of you are essentially having extra-marital affairs. You might feel guilty, even though there’s no reason for this. To be frank, it takes a while for these feelings to settle. Until then, don’t give out – it will bring the spark back.
Speak to A Therapist
You’ll be letting a non-biased professional in on the situation. They’ll let you know if the arrangement is really what you need or not. Of course, don’t go to just anyone. You’ll have the best conversations with a sex therapist. As there are so many around, make sure that the one you’re visiting is acclaimed.
Hopefully, someone in your life knows a counselor. Getting a recommendation is easier than finding one online.
Never Let Your Kids Know
No matter how old your kids are, they shouldn’t know about what’s happening, as they won’t understand. It’ll also ruin the way they see you.
At some point, if you have to mention it to them, do so in stages and downplay the situation. It’ll be hard for them to process it otherwise.
Also, ensure that you don’t get caught. Meet the people you’re seeing away from home.
Final Thoughts
Unfortunately, society still views open marriages as taboo. However, the arrangement is exciting and you will never get bored with your partner. In our day and age, it’s pretty easy to do. There are several dating sites to use to find someone.
But before you do, make sure that there are some ground rules. Especially make sure that your partner and you are using protection. STDs will be a very real issue. Of course, never bring them to your home. This increases the chances of your kids finding out what you’re up to.

Hi there. My name is Jamie Love and I just LOVE writing about dating, hooking up and extra marital affairs. Why you might ask? Well why not! If you’re interested in any of the topics above then you will love my writing. I have been writing for Privateloveaffair.com as well as a few other sites for a bit longer than 2 years now, and I am really loving it. Hope you find my content interesting, toodles!